Sunday, May 3, 2009

Starting our Fund Raising for the LIVESTRONG Challenge

The LIVESTRONG Challenge will be here before we know it.

Just a couple of weeks ago, my husband decided to take the Challange. His intent at this time is to do the 70 mile ride in Philly on August 23rd.

I have to admit, I am very excited about this! Excited for him to do this, excited to be a part of it, and excited to be making a difference.

Our goal is to raise $3,000 for the Lance Armstrong Foundation. We think big, and we intend to achieve our goals!

Many people have asked us if we are directly affected by cancer. Who isn't? If you are asking if we have cancer, No. Are you asking if someone in our family has cancer, No. We are concerned because Cancer is huge! Cancer kills. It makes people and families suffer. It can be cured. I want it to be before my children have to deal with it.

With my business, I hear the stories of people who are touched so deeply by Cancer. A woman not to long ago, reached out to me for help in picking out Teal Ribbon items for her sister who had just found out she not only had ovarian cancer, but cervical and uterine cancer too! Her story touched me deeply! While I do not know this person personally, her story touched me such a way that it made me want fight with her - fight for her.

I hear a lot of stories, and that is why I do what I do. That is why I want to raise funds to Cancer - For my friends, my customers, my families and all of you out there.

So for those of you who want to reach out and help someone, but you don't know who. Make a donation to the Lance Armstrong Foundation. Make a donation to help find the cures for cancer. Reach out and help others.

You can visit our website for more information on our LIVESTRONG Challenge at

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