Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Helping Friends

Recently, thanks to Twitter, I met a new friend. While I have not known her very long, I have learned very quickly how strong, caring and how wonderful of a person she really is. Her name is Maria.

Like me, Maria is a Police Officer. She is very active and is constantly on the go. Right now, Maria is training to run a 1/2 marathon to raise money for the Rally Childhood Cancer Foundation. She is dedicated to this run, and is doing this run in honor of her rally kid Clark. the run is scheduled for January in Disney World. How Cool!!!

Hearing her talk about what she is doing, sparked a flare in me to help her out. I thought about it and came up with an idea. I created a coupon code for her to give to her friends and I posted it on my website for others to use. With this coupon code, people can buy whatever Awareness products they want for whatevery cause they care about, and use the special code to have the 20% donation directed to Maria's fundraiser. Using the code would also allow them to get 10% off their purchase.

I thought this was a great idea and a way to help others who are doing fundraisers to get a little bit of extra assistance.

I was so happy to be able to tell Maria, that the day after her special code was set-up someone used it to make a purchase and $3.87 was set aside to be donated to her fundraising efforts!

If you would like to read more of Maria's story, you can read about it here on her fundraising page: http://www.active.com/donate/2010disneyteam/mariabaldwin

If you would like to help Maria in her fundraising by purchasing an awareness product, please visit our website at www.RibbonsforaReason.com and enter coupon code MARIACLARK.

I am honored to be able to help this amazing friend out!

Get out there and run Maria! (and don't forget your vest....lol.....)


Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunset our Last night on vacation!

Ocean City Maryland Bay Sunset

Relaxing with sunsets

One of the many beautiful sunset we saw on vacation in Ocean City Maryland.

Where does the time go?

It has just occured to me that my last blog was June 1st. JUNE 1ST!!! It is now July. Does anyone know where June went???

My last post was so positive about the fund raiser I had just assisted with. Since that date, I feel like I opened a door someplace and time just flew right out.

June has consisted of graduations, birthday parties, poetry recitals, yard sales (where we made over $800 that was donated directly to LIVESTRONG), business, everyday work, household duties (although not much done on that front) and finally got a chance to sit back and relax on a family vacation.

As I worked this last weekend and had to write the date on something, it hit me. It is July. Before we know it, it will be October and our kids will be dressing in crazy costumes and hunting for candy.

With that said, I hope everyone is having a wonderful summer. I hope to get back on the wagon here and start producing some great blogs.